Member Impact Fund - CMTC-OVM


CMTC-OVM is a worldwide non-profit patient organization that aims to improve the quality of life of people suffering from vascular malformations (blood vessel abnormalities), such as CMTC, and their families, and to stimulate scientific research into these malformations.

Impact Fund Project

With the help of the Member Impact Fund, we have developed a series of 3 booklets 'Parent Support Guide' in 7 languages. Age 0-4, 5-11, and 12-17 years. These booklets are disease independent. We have unfortunately limited budgets and thanks to this fund we could realize this project. We also paid a part ourselves (refer to the invoice).

The Biggest Success of the Project in Our Patient Community

We have helped many patients and families with receiving a diagnosis and personal support. We support patients and families not only medically but also psychologically and psychosocially. During our international Family Day and our global members' conference our patients and families are getting together and have the opportunity to share knowledge and experience. Brothers/sisters of patients can meet each other as well. Our website offers not only tons of information but also a secure online Community.

To learn more about this organization, please visit:



