GRIDD Resources & Publications 

What exactly is GRIDD? How does it all fit together to give us a credible and believable voice for our Members and their dermatology patients? Get the answers to these questions by exploring the following GRIDD resources:

ELEVATE 2023 Conference

Changing How the World Measures and Understands Dermatological Conditions

Why GRIDD Matters

Learn Why GRIDD Matters Through A Patient Testimonial By Bill McCue, Patient Leader.

Latest GRIDD Webinar

Changing the Way the World Sees Dermatology Through the GRIDD Project

What Is The GRIDD Project?

Learn about the GRIDD Project in this short 3 minute introductory video. 

Patient Pictograph

A graphic showing the potential benefits GRIDD will produce for dermatology patients (and their caregivers).


Click the image to enlarge and download.

Phases & Outcomes Infographic

A graphic showing the GRIDD timeline, objectives, outcomes and benefits.


Click the image to enlarge and download.

GRIDD Posters & Abstracts

Abstracts and posters accepted at past conferences and events.

ISPOR Europe 2024 | November 17 - 20, 2024

Abstract - Inequalities in the Impact of Dermatological Diseases Across the Globe

Poster Inequalities in the Impact of Dermatological Diseases Across the Globe