Phase 3 - Patient Data Verification Delphi

What is a Delphi?

A Delphi is a consensus-seeking method widely used in health research. The main purpose of a Delphi is to explore a topic in a way that goes beyond what is currently known or believed and is based on the assumption that expert group judgments are more valid or accurate than individual judgments or assumptions. It is a scientific process that promotes greater accuracy and validates previous data derived assumptions.


What will the Delphi involve?

The Delphi is comprised of two consecutive surveys, targeted at adults (over 18 yrs.) diagnosed with a dermatological condition. The first survey took play for 6 weeks in December 2020 - January 2021, the second survey in May 2021. They surveys were available in multiple languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Mandarin (simplified Chinese) and Arabic.

The Delphi Timeline

The Delphi will take place between December 2020 (survey #1) and May 2021 (survey #2) and will involve up to 2,000 adult dermatology patients from all continents and as many dermatological diseases as possible.


GRIDD and the Delphi

GRIDD has five Phases and the current Phase 3 allows the researchers to engage once again with the experts on the impact of dermatological conditions – the patients. During Phase 2, the GRIDD researchers interviewed a diverse range of patients with a variety of conditions and in so doing earned a deeper understanding of how their conditions impacted their lives.

Now, in Phase 3, the researchers are validating the patient impact data collected in Phase 2 by engaging with a wider patient sample size (~2,000 compared to 100). 

The Delphi surveys will produce results that are critical to Phase 4 and the development of PRIDD; the Patient-Reported Impacts of Dermatological Diseases measurement tool. When launched, PRIDD will be a Cosmin A Standard tool that will accurately reflect the true patient impacts for any type of dermatological condition. The PRIDD tool is expected to launch worldwide to millions starting in late 2021.