Patients & Organizations
The GRIDD project relies on dermatology patient participation during Phases 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Data gathered in Phases 2 and 3 will allow researchers to design the world-first patient impact measurement tool - or questionnaire - that will then be tested in Phase 4 and the tool will be used to gather global patient impact data in Phase 5.
Phase 5 - The GRIDD Study will be launched in June 2023 - we will need your help to reach our target of participation from 10,000 dermatology patients in the study. The data gathered using this new measurement tool will validate patients’ needs for improved care, and hopefully lead to better treatment options.
To learn more about the five phases of GRIDD click here.
Why Does GRIDD Research Matter?
By contributing to the GRIDD project you are part of a global movement to change the way the world sees and manages dermatology. In the Phase 3 Delphi your voice, taking the form of patient data, will be helping to contribute to the development of the world-first patient-driven measurement tool we call PRIDD: Patient-Reported Impact of Dermatological Disease .
Consider Phase 3 as the rehearsal for Phase 4: the meta global patient impact data collection process that will employ the new PRIDD tool. This meta patient data will in turn influence decisions related to currently identified needs such as better treatments, more research, and improved healthcare policies. Without validated, scientifically derived patient impact data key decisions and resources needed to advance dermatology will continue to be limited.
PRIDD data will help inform the world that dermatological conditions can rob people of their quality of life and emotional wellbeing and that solutions are needed to deliver a higher quality of service and treatment to dermatology patients around the world.
Help us achieve this goal by recruiting adult dermatology patients.
GRIDD Patient Engagement

Extended Dermatology Community
GRIDD will benefit everyone in the dermatology community including patients, patient organizations, health care professionals, researchers, and industry. Each of these stakeholder groups will be empowered with verifiable, patient-derived data to support advocacy campaigns and the development of tools, training, and resources which will help us all take action for a better future for patients.
Working collaboratively, we will validate patients’ needs and advance care and treatment options, and more affordable medicines. We invite all stakeholders to help connect dermatology patients with the GRIDD project to ensure that their disease and country are well represented. For more information about the current Phase and how you can get involved please click below.