Member Impact Fund Project Highlight


Eczema Outreach Support

Eczema Outreach Support is an organization located in the UK that aims to help families deal with the practical and emotional aspects of having a child with eczema. They pride themselves on understanding the impacts the condition can have on the whole family, and how isolating it can feel.

Eczema Outreach Support had a very successful GlobalSkin Member Impact Fund project. In 2020/2021, the organisation embraced new digital ways of supporting their community and managing activities by using online solutions that improved efficiency, good practice and impact.

The Impact Fund helped build organizational capacity by financing three key subscriptions to the following digital platforms: Zoom, Survey Monkey and Hootsuite. These tools have allowed the organization to run webinars, consult with their members and gather more data about their needs across the UK, and schedule increased social media activities including campaigns, practical information and sharing of partners' work

Futhermore, the grant built the EOS’s capacity to run activities that increased access to support for people who need it the most and broke down geographical and financial barriers (Zoom webinars and support).

The grant also aided their efforts by putting the organization’s beneficiaries in the centre of the work, through consultations, data collection, and co-design (Survey monkey). It also expanded their reach and collaboration with partners through planned social media activities and campaigns (Hootsuite).

“Thanks to the grant, we have learned a lot about what can be achieved with technology during challenging times such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and this will help us continue to increase our reach, impact and partnership work in the future.” - Magali Redding You can read Eczema Outreach Support’s full 2020/2021 report here.

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