Member Impact Fund Project Highlight


Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation

The Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation is a non-profit patient organization based in Canada, with a primary focus on skin cancer prevention. This organization has a unique niche within skin cancer organizations as their primary focus is prevention.

Working with students’ associations at campuses; connecting with health faculties; CSCF recruits and supports student volunteers to present to schools. This creates tangible skills in students, including presentation and engagement skills with children and youth. It also increases their skills in effectively engaging with people in prevention and what is an effective means to educate. Student volunteers are impressed with how children respond to presentations and engage with the material.

With the support of the Impact Fund, the CSCF expanded its health faculty partnerships across Canada. Through these organizational partnerships with dermatology clubs, and pharmacy student associations in Canadian Universities, students were trained on Sun Safety education. This ensures that they will be aware of sun safety and will further bring this knowledge into their future health practice.

These Sun Safe trained students also provided educational training on skin cancer prevention to younger students in local grade schools, to outdoor cultural event planners, and to other health faculty and students. With increased knowledge of sun safety, skin cancer becomes much more preventable at a younger age. 

In 20220/2021, CSCF moved all their Sun Safety programs online. They taught 6000 kids in Canada using University volunteers. 

Project experience quote: 

“I believe it is important that our students learn about sun safety and ties in nicely to our Health Curriculum (Alberta). We’ve had the presentation in the past and it really gets kids thinking about their time in the sun. I believe it is important that our students learn about sun safety and ties in nicely to our Health Curriculum (Alberta). It was an extra part of our Health curriculum and I thought that it would be a great presentation for the kids to learn about sun safety and the potential hazards involved. Most of my students have been online all year, with only me. It's such a gift to have someone different presenting live to them. When I heard about this presentation, it sounded perfect. To inform my students about being safe in the sun and it is connected to the curriculum” - Teacher

To learn more about this organization, visit their website
