RareDERM Forum

RareDERM Forum
June 5-6 in Milan


Does your organization support people living with rare/uncommon skin diseases?

If so, you are invited to join us in Milan on June 5-6 for the RareDERM Forum – a special two-day event for patient leaders.


Forum Objective:

Build a cohesive community of rare dermatology disease patient organizations and supporting stakeholders to ensure the lives of these patients are positively impacted in a measurable way by:

1. Developing a global RareDERM network three-year strategy

2. Building capacity among patient leaders

3. Creating linkages between patient leaders and other key stakeholders around the world.


1. Approximately 35 patient organization leaders who serving people living with rare/uncommon dermatological diseases. One delegate per Member organization.

2. Invited guests

Thank you to our generous contributors:
