Event Planning

Communications & Marketing

Crônicos do Dia a Dia
Crônicos do Dia a Dia was established in Brazil to improve the lives of individuals living with chronic diseases. Through awareness efforts and discussions on public health, the organization strives to make a meaningful impact on the world.
Impact Fund Project
The Impact Fund enabled Crônicos Do Dia a Dia to organize the talk show "Vivendo na Pele," which offered valuable information on dermatological conditions such as Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria and Alopecia Areata, and showcased inspiring stories to demystify skin diseases. Through this event, the organization was able to raise awareness about dermatological conditions, bring together strategic partners to combat stigma, and spread knowledge to patients and the broader community.
The Biggest Success of the Project
The project brought to light the inspiring stories of seven individuals living with chronic skin conditions. The talk show reached thousands of people on social media, delivering high-quality information and raising significant awareness about chronic skin diseases.
To learn more about this organization, please visit:
Website: www.cdd.org.brFacebook: www.facebook.com/cddcronicos
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfDa3R2DH9JdEwmqOBzvhiA
Instagram: www.instagram.com/cddcronicos
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cddcronicos/

Gorlin Syndrome Alliance
The mission of the Gorlin Syndrome Alliance is to thoughtfully support, comprehensively educate, and aggressively seek the best treatments and a cure for those affected by Gorlin syndrome.
Impact Fund Project
With help from the Impact Fund, the Gorlin Syndrome Alliance was able to produce a marketing and communications campaign that consisted of the following; Graphic design of materials for the website and social media posts (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn) on basal cell carcinoma awareness and risk reduction. Social media ads raising awareness of Gorlin syndrome and the risks / burdens of basal cell carcinomas in affected individuals as well as information on the lifelong need for preventive / protective measures. Additional website content creation on the risk of BCC development and methods to reduce risk.
The Biggest Success of the Project
The biggest success for the organization was reach. The social media posts related to Skin Cancer Awareness month resulted in an 89% increase in engagement on Instagram and provided the organization with a number of new resources.
To learn more about this organization, please visit:
Website: https://gorlinsyndrome.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GorlinSyndromeAlliance
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@gorlinsyndromealliance8299
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gorlinsyndromealliance/

Organizational Development


Eczema Support Australia
Eczema Support Australia serves people living with eczema to overcome difficulties and thrive in their community, through connection, advocacy and information. The organization aims to connect Australians affected by eczema so that no one dealing with eczema feels isolated or alone, inform and educate those affected by eczema so they are equipped to cope with the condition, and advocate for practical support to improve the lives of people affected by eczema.
Impact Fund Project
The Impact Fund assisted Eczema Support Australia to further develop its strategic plan that will guide the organisation over the next three years. The plan will be used to set priorities for the organisation, allocate resources, measure the organization's progress, and ensure that the organisation is accountable to its members and stakeholders.
The Biggest Success of the Project
The biggest success of the project was that Eczema Support Australia developed an outline of the three-year strategic plan, which significantly strengthened its organisational mission. This plan has set clear priorities, optimized resource allocation, and highlighted needs. As a result, the organization is better positioned to support the patient community effectively, ensuring that all efforts are aligned with its core mission.
To learn more about this organization, please visit:
Website: www.eczemasupport.org.auFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/EczemaSUPPORTAustralia
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@eczemasupportaustralia
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eczema_support_australia/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eczema-support-australia/

Royal Patches
Royal Patches Foundation was founded in Nairobi Kenya as a support group to persons living with vitiligo in Kenya and beyond to raise awareness about vitiligo. The organization educates by providing facts about vitiligo and also inspires through uplifting stories that will help one living with vitiligo to live positively.
Impact Fund Project
With Impact Fund support, Royal Patches Foundation launched a campaign to combat discrimination against people with vitiligo. The initiative provided sunscreen access for children from underserved areas and, in collaboration with psychologists and counselors, addressed the psychological impacts of vitiligo, promoting inclusivity, diversity, and coping strategies.
The Biggest Success of the Project
The biggest success of the project was gaining great insights from parents of children affected by vitiligo; Furthering awareness that children's health with vitiligo, especially the mental health aspects depends on the parents. The project also enabled the organization to change the narrative of stigmatization in the community, especially amongst the elder community members. This was by far one of the greatest awareness campaign impacts the organization has seen in terms of normalization as more individuals with the condition are now coming out and embracing acceptance which is quite key in the life of those living with this chronic condition.
To learn more about this organization, please visit:
Website: https://royal-patches.org/colour-the-world-with-vitiligo-understanding
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1AYhJPYGQ1/?mibextid=ZbWKwL
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@royalpatches254
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/royalpatches_vitiligo
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/royal-patches-5aaaa2306

Anti Vitiligo Foundation Rwanda - Rwanda
Association of patients with allergies, asthma and atopic dermatitis - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Association of Persons with Albinism in Malawi (APAM)*** - Malawi
Beautifully Unblemished Vitiligo Support Group, Inc. *** - USA
Canadian Association for Porphyria/Association Canadienne de Porphyrie - Canada
Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation*** - Canada
Center For Ichthyosis Related Members Foundation India*** - India
China Chronic Skin Disease Fund - China
CMTC-OVM - Netherlands
Corbetta*** - DRC
Crônicos do Dia a Dia - Brazil
DEBRA Australia*** - Australia
Debra Belgium - Belgium
DEBRA Croatia*** - Croatia
DEBRA International (Youth Council) - Intl
Društvo Atopijski dermatitis - Slovenia
Eczema Society of Kenya*** - Kenya
Eczema Support Australia - Australia
Fundación Padece - Chile
FUNDAPSO*** - Colombia
Global Albinism Alliance*** Intl
Gorlin Syndrome Alliance*** USA
23. Helping Hands Foundation*** - Pakistan
24. Huidpatienten Nederland*** - Netherlands
25. Integrita Health Care Education Foundation*** - USA
26. International Hyperhidrosis Society - USA
28. Lichen Sclerosus Support Network - USA
30. Naevus Global - Netherlands
31. National Association Allergy and Me*** - Serbia
32. Outer Shell Africa Communications OUTERSAC*** - Nigeria
33. Pachyonychia Congenita Project (PC Project) - USA
34. Panhellenic Association of Patients with Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis, ‘Epidermia’ - Greece
35. PSORVIET*** - Vietnam
37. Source of the Nile Union of Persons with Albinism (SNUPA) *** - Uganda
38. Vitiligo Association of Uganda*** - Uganda
39. Vitiligo Bahrain - Bahrain
40. Vitiligo Support and Research Group VITAMIGOS*** - Cuba
41. XP Society*** - South Africa
42. Zavod Atopika*** - Slovenia
A total of 42 organizations representing 28 countries and 17 disease areas qualified for the Member Impact Fund 2024.
***23 organizations were also awarded additional funding to complete Skin Cancer Prevention and Awareness projects in 2024.