World Atopic Eczema Day – September 14, 2023

Atopic eczema is one of the most prevalent skin diseases in the world and one of the most under-recognised. Often dismissed as “just a skin condition,” patients’ needs are not addressed in a supportive and timely manner.

The Atopic Eczema Community will come together on September 14th to raise awareness for the disease, to speak up about the burden it has on patients and caregivers, and to recognise the need for care and treatment that is reflective of the multi-dimensional nature of the disease.

This year, we will focus on the psychosocial burden on children and youth living with Atopic Eczema. This year’s campaign will share the thoughts of children and youth living with atopic eczema through the hashtag #IfYouOnlyKnew.


2023 Campaign Theme #IfYouOnlyKnew

This year's focus is on the psychosocial burden faced by children and youth living with atopic eczema. Through the hashtag #IfYouOnlyKnew, we aim to share their thoughts and experiences. This campaign offers a fresh perspective on the challenges of atopic eczema, highlighting the feelings and perceptions of young patients. 

By bringing these voices to the forefront, we aim to reveal the invisible struggles and emotional burdens that these children and youth endure. The new hashtag #IfYouOnlyKnew will be paired with the well-known #AtopicEczemaDay, further amplifying our message.


World Atopic Eczema Day 2023 Campaign Tools & Guide

GlobalSkin in partnership with the European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations (EFA) is currently developing the 2023 World Atopic Eczema Day Campaign Toolkit. It will contain all the tools needed to successfully implement your own campaign, as well as instructions on how to customize our graphics to include your organizations' branding. 

World Atopic Eczema Day 2023

World Atopic Eczema Day Campaign Toolkit

Inside you will find all of the tools and instructions on customizing graphics to your brand; A how-to guide on outreach as well as a template Press Release and Support Letter. DOWNLOAD IT HERE


Digital Advocacy Toolkit

A short guide to help you plan and execute your next digital advocacy campaign.


Skin: Our Barrier To The World



Help us reach 25,000 views by October 15th! When you share the video to #ShareTheBurden, you’re helping more people around the planet understand the true impact of an Atopic Eczema diagnosis. Will you help us make this campaign too big to ignore?


Find all the tools & resources HERE

Atopic Eczema Documentary

Click to watch our full Atopic Eczema documentary. Please like and share!

#IfYouOnlyKnew Campaign Graphics (Square)

There is a rising concern in the community about the emotional consequences of the illness affecting the mental health of the patients, especially the ones who are in their developmental age. It’s not so easy to make it understandable how it feels to deal continuously with the burdens of AE, and it’s probably harder to imagine what could be the perceptions, the fears and the untold needs of the young.

Drag and drop these high-resolution images to your computer to use, or DOWNLOAD THEM HERE.



Download the 2023 World Atopic Eczema Day Toolkit for instructions on how you can easily customize these blank cards with your own brand. Drag these high-resolution images to your computer or DOWNLOAD THEM HERE.


Social Media Banners

Drag each high-resolution image to your desktop and use it to change your Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter profile banner to show support for WorldAtopic Eczema Day 2023.

Facebook Banner


LinkedIn Banner


Twitter Banner


Share Your Story!

We encourage you to get involved in developing the messaging for this year’s campaign by asking the children and youth in your life to consider their daily experience living with atopic eczema and ask them to share their story by completing the sentence: "If you only knew …"

How it works

Submit your story by answering a couple of short questions in your language, in English or both by August 15, 2023

Submit your story here

World Atopic Eczema Day Fund 2023

GlobalSkin created the World Atopic Eczema Day Fund to financially assist Member organizations in the planning and implementation of activities supporting this important day. We are pleased to offer this grant opportunity for the fifth year in a row.

We invite grant applications from our Member organizations in the lead-up to World Atopic Eczema Day. Applications that demonstrate how you will raise awareness of the disease and/or build community during World Atopic Eczema Day will be considered for funding.

Proposals that fall into one or both of the following categories can be funded up to $2,600 CAD.

  • Event Planning: Grants funded in this category will support hosting activities related to World Atopic Eczema Day. Activities can include virtual and in person events. Funds can be used towards the cost of using online meeting/presentation platforms or in-person events that follow the health and safety guidelines of your country or region.
  • Marketing: Grants funded in this category will support the development and/or purchase of marketing materials that raise awareness of the activities you have planned for World Atopic Eczema Day. Examples of activities that could be funded include Facebook ads, social and traditional media buying, graphic design and printing materials such as flyers or brochures.

New funding opportunity for 2023

New this year, GlobalSkin is offering the category of Mental Health with funding up to $600 CAD. Members may apply for the mental health fund in addition to the regular World Atopic

Eczema Day funding categories for a total potential funding of $3200 CAD. Examples of mental health activities that could be funded include informational resources, webinars or workshops; programs with mental health professionals; advocacy initiatives that focus on mental health.

World Atopic Eczema Day initiatives are made possible through the generous support of our partners: